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Version 3.2: Reals and Formulas

23 May 2020

New in DT5GL: Real numbers (also called floats) and Formulas. Each variable in a formula is (from left to right): 1. retrieved from a database (SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc.), or 2. asked to the user...

Who invented the multihit decision table?

6 Dec 2020

Conclusion: the multihit decision table is one of the worst ideas in the history of the business rules approach....

Short introduction to this website.

14 Feb 2020

What route to take on this website to answer a simple question like: Which form code is applicable when the tax form is being filled in: > Doccode = 28 > Taxable income = 48000 > Age = 66 > Agi...

Some strange behavior on the tab dt5gl?

15 Feb 2020

After pressing the "Input source" button the message: Error: field must be filled in! or after pressing the button "Input value" the message: Error: program source must be filled in! or answe...

Decision tables in Excel?

11 Mar 2020

Currently, the tool reads the decision tables from a text file, which can be edited with Notepad or Notepad++ (recommended!). But the tool could just as well read the tables from Excel! And that...